Monday, 18 November 2013

I ran by the light of the moon..

Tonight I ran by the light of the moon... Well this isn't entirely true as I was in Cramlington so there was also a lot of light from street lamps... But I'm feeling a little poetic and the moon was beautiful tonight!

I went to my running session tonight; If you read my post yesterday you may know that my enthusiasm for running this past week had drastically diminished. However, I took my running kit to work with me this morning to go to the session on my way home as I'm not one for giving up!

Once I finished work I was quite looking forward to going for a run and hoped that wouldn't change once I was running in the dark and cold. I noticed quite early into my run that it was more difficult to breathe than it was last time I went out and it was clear I'd lost a little bit of fitness. I'm still fitter than I was when I started and I am super proud that I ran a whole 5k (3.1 miles) WITHOUT stopping!! My running enthusiasm has returned and I have remembered why I enjoy it so much.

I am not sure if I will get out running this week due to work and a weekend trip to London! I will be be running again next Monday at the running session. I still can't quite believe that two months ago I struggled to run for 30 seconds and tonight I ran for almost 45 minutes without stopping!

Couch potato to 5k is complete! I aim to do a park run as soon as I have an available Saturday as I want to be able to run a 5k with more ease than I did tonight. I still had my usual niggles tonight (numb feet, sore ankle, sore hip) but none of it was unbearable and not as bad as usual. I will make time to do some strength exercises this week as I won't even need to leave the comfort of my lovely warm house for those!

I really enjoyed tonight; there were a couple of moments I was ready to give up and walk but I am so glad I didn't as I can now say I can run 5k! I absolutely feel like a runner now and that's not something I ever thought I'd say.

I love the moon and it was so pretty tonight, making my run more enjoyable! I took a photo of it but the camera on my phone didn't capture the real beauty.

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