Two weeks ago I went to my running 'group' - (still just me and the coach!) I was surprised to find that I ran for 2.2 miles (33 minutes) before I slowed to a walk. I had to slow down as my left ankle began to hurt but I was super proud that I had managed to run for this length of time. I was also still able to breathe!
I didn't get out running the rest of that week due to work/dark nights (and socialising). I met up with Dawn on the Thursday and we went for food and a drink. It was lovely to catch up with my new friend and we had an enjoyable evening :-)
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Mid week drink with Dawn! |
I went out for a little run with my friend Rachael last Sunday. It was just a gentle 1.5 mile as I didn't want to over do it for my running group on Monday. I found this run difficult as my left ankle hurt and so did my right hip. I did run most of it but I walked the last bit home.
My right hip/thigh was painful the rest of the day to the point I struggled to walk. I had a bath with muscle soak in it which eased it a little bit but it was still painful when I got up on Monday. My coach sent me a message on Monday to say he was poorly and the session was cancelled. I was a little disappointed but also glad I didn't have to run with such a painful leg. I think my right hip is painful due to me over compensating due to my sore left ankle. I've still been trying to foam roll (as my calves still feel tight when I run) but this has also lapsed slightly over the last week as I'm super busy!
I need to get myself more organised with running as I've lost all enthusiasm at the moment! I was going to go out for a run yesterday but had a couple of drinks too many on Friday night so didn't feel up to it. I went Christmas shopping instead! I really need to stop making excuses and just get running! I'm going to running group after work tomorrow but I am not feeling as enthusiastic as usual. I'm also a little bit worried that running will cause my hip to hurt again as it took 4 days to feel better last week! However, I'm not ready to give up and I'm sure I will enjoy it once I'm there. I know I will be glad I've done it and hopefully my enthusiasm will return!
A little bit of running enthusiasm did return this afternoon when I spent time with my sister and brother in law (my inspiration to run as they are so good!) Also, Craig told me that he came first at the Harriers on Thursday! Super proud little sis :-)
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