Tuesday, 8 October 2013

What a difference a month makes!

This morning I went for another run, with the intention that I would be listening to week 3 of the NHS podcast again. However, a few minutes into my run my iPod started shuffling itself (despite being locked) so I decided to turn it off and just 'go with the flow'.

I was still walk/jogging as with previous runs but I found it really difficult today. I think this was partly due to the lack of guidance/other people to motivate me, and partly due to the sun being so bright and so low in the sky. Normally I wouldn't complain at all that the sun is shining brightly, but it doesn't make for pleasant running conditions (not when it's so low anyway!)

Also, my legs started hurting today and I couldn't feel my toes on either of my feet by the end. I did about two miles (run keeper stopped before I got home! Grr) and normally my feet are fine. I think my trainers might be too tight across the top of my feet (either that or I've started running differently). I made sure I didn't tie my laces so tight today after my sore toes on Sunday, but this doesn't seem to have helped.

Today was definitely a difficult run, but I don't regret it. In fact, I'm still rather proud of myself for getting up and going out! Making the most of morning runs before I start my new job (then I will be running in the dark!)

Off to Birmingham tomorrow for a conference on Thursday (Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists) and have a busy day on Friday, so unlikely to get out running again until Saturday! I can't believe how much this bothers me haha. As little as 4 weeks ago I still hadn't even been for a run! What a difference a month makes!

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